Jquery Serialize Form

Jquery Serialize Form

The serializeObject provides an additional method for jQuery that has the ability to serialize your form values to complex JSON objects.


I have a jQuery ajax function and would like to submit an entire form as post data. We are constantly updating the form so it becomes tedious to constantly update the form. In this case, jQuery serializes the successful controls within the form. Only form elements are examined for inputs they contain, in all other cases the input elements to be serialized should be part of the set passed to the.serialize method. Selecting both the form and its children in a set will cause duplicates in the serialized string.

How to use it:

Jquery Serialize Form

1. Download and include the minified version of the jQuery serializeObject plugin after jQuery.

2. Note that your form fields must have name attribute as these:

Jquery Serialize Form Data To Object

3. Create a container to display the serialized form data.

4. The JavaScript to output the serialized data in the 'result' container.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hongymagic. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.

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